The most important tip:
- Limit screencasts to 3 to 5 minutes maximum on a focussed topic
- Break up into multiple short segments if necessary
Top Ten Tips for Effective Screencasts
- Keep it simple in your first screencasts
- Write a script before recording
- Avoid using repetitive statements or words and avoid long pauses or hesitations in the narration
- Avoid narration filler by using words such as “umm” or “ahh”
- Practice, practice, and practice, it is the key to creating professional videos
- Do a trial run
- Speak slowly and enunciate properly
- Always keep your face the same distance from the microphone
- Record in a quiet, non-echoey location -- like a carpeted conference room
- Perform several takes to see ways of improving the video
Top Tips About Hardware and Software for Effective Screencasts
- Use a USB digital microphone
- Close unneeded programs: free up system resources, reduce problem of device or resource conflicts
- Switch off mobile phone
- Use an enhanced cursor that helps viewers follow the action
- Increase the size of your cursor, because it will be easier for your viewers to follow your on-screen actions as you move your mouse around the screen
- Switch off operating system updates
- If the AVI or FLV file size is too large for publishing, then reduce the frame rate setting or the bit rate setting
- If capturing a web page, remove extra toolbars/menus from the browser